Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Can Lit: The Bride of New France

Bride of New France by Suzanne Desrochers 2011

This excellent historical novel is about Les Filles du Roi. The main character, Laure Beausejour, leaves the orphanage of Salpetriere to journey to New France to marry one of the male soldiers or fur traders. Ther best friend Madeleine accompanies her on the voyage but dies shortly after their arrival at Quebec City. The novel is divided into three parts: Part 1 is about Laure's time at Salepetriere; Part 2 is about her voyage on the ship to the New World; and Part 3 is about her arrival and settlement at Ville Marie (Montreal).

Appeal factors are strong characterization and vivid descriptions of life in New France and Paris during the 17th century. The main character, Laure, is strong willed and not your "typical" woman of that time period. If you enjoyed The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor by Sally Armstrong, you might want to try this book.

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