Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fiction Pick of the Week: Elizabeth Hay

A Canadian book in honour of Canada Day!

Alone in the Classroom by Elizabeth Hay 2011

Alone in the Classroom is an interesting cross between a murder mystery and a relationship novel. The novel deals with the life of Connie Flood, an eighteen-year-old teacher who is working in a small town in Saskatchewan. While Connie is working in Saskatchewan a fifteen-year-old student, Susan, is sexually assaulted by the school principal. Connie develops a special relationship with one of her students, Michael, who is struggling in school. Seven years later in the Ottawa Valley an eight-year-old girl goes berry picking and is found murdered. The narrator, Ann Flood, effectively connects these two mysteries. The appeal factors of this novel are realistic and well-drawn characters.


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OMG! This seems really promising! I can't wait to read this book. I always love books related to fiction, astrology and psychic powers. Thank you so much for featuring this one.

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