Non-Fiction Pick of the Week: The Price of Stones
The Price of Stones: building a school for my village by Twesigye Jackson Kaguri 2010
This is an inspirational book about a Ugandan man who studied in the United States and returned to his village to build a school for AIDS/HIV orphans in 2003. If you liked “Two cups of tea “you will enjoy this book. The author saw a need in his community and he and his American wife , family and friends did fund raising and applied for grants to build a two- room school house to provide free schooling and uniforms to HIV/AIDS orphans in his village of Nyakagyezi. By 2008 the school had grown to accommodate eight primary classrooms and had obtained funding to pay the tuition cost for the first year of secondary school for the grade 8 graduating class. (Primary and secondary education is not free in Uganda).
For your consideration: The author is a Seventh Day Adventist and so there are some sections that speak of his faith and there are sections that have verses from the New Testament.
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